Am I tone Deaf? The Truth Behind the Misconception
Am I tone deaf? Many people ask themselves this question. But the truth is, tone deafness is a pretty rare phenomenon. Don’t give yourself up as a lost cause simply because you can’t carry a tune. Instead, learn what tone deafness is – and what common issues could be causing your pitch problems.
What Does “Tone Deaf” Mean?
For the tone deaf, hearing the pitch and processing it in the brain is impossible. Tone deaf people cannot distinguish between musical pitches because that is the way their brains work. There is even a medical term for this condition: amusia. According to scientists amusia only affects 4% of people. When you sing do you think " I don't think I'm exactly on the correct pitch!" If your brain is telling you you're not on the correct pitch, it probably isn’t because you are tone deaf; it’s because you haven’t figured out the complex coordination between the brain, vocal cords, and breath that leads to pitch accuracy.
So, I’m Not Tone Deaf. Why Can’t I Match Pitch?
Singing a pitch is a complicated coordination between the brain, the vocal cords, and the breath.
The Many Faces of Pitch Problems
Pitch-matching ability can be thought of in stages. Some people start off at Stage 1, while others naturally start at Stage 4. Wherever you start, with the right kind of practice, you can progress through the stages until you make it to Stage 4.
Stage 1: I have no idea how to match pitch. I am always way, way off. Singers at Stage 1 should start with simple free vocalization, sliding freely up and down their range and think about how they are making the changes that lead to the pitch going up or down. Then, move to pitch matching exercises - the more you practice matching pitch, the faster you will get better at it.
Stage 2: I can match most pitches, but I sometimes sing off-key.
Singers at Stage 2 still need to practice matching pitch every day. But unlike Stage 1 singers, though, you can start stringing notes together, practicing matching three- or four-pitch sequences.
Stage 3: I sometimes sing a little flat or sharp.
Stage 3 singers have usually mastered the coordination between the brain and the vocal cords. For these singers, the problem is vocal technique. A singer who is often flat, for instance, may need to master better breath support or raise their facial resonators more. A singer who is often sharp may be singing their notes too hard and using too much energy or air to fuel their sound.
Stage 4: Me, sing out of tune? No way!
Whether by nature or nurture, Stage 4 singers are deadly accurate. Their brain, vocal cords, and singing technique work in tandem to produce spot-on pitches. The challenge for Stage 4 singers is to stay in tune during difficult moving passages or the vocal extremes of their range.
Am I Tone Deaf? No! If you are not one of the 4% of people who is truly tone deaf, you can learn to sing accurately. Just find a good singing instructor, practice every day, and slowly but surely, you will learn to sing in tune.
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